Crowdfunding Training for Nonprofits, Two Shapes and Sizes

Our community is set to be bombarded with digital campaigns this year, just when giving will be harder for many donors. How do we not inflict a heavy dose of donor fatigue?

By crafting an inspiring, donor-centered campaign experience. We’ve structured two ways to share our expertise from a decade of crowdfunding experience. LSF is dedicated to helping you continue your vital work by strengthening your donor relationships and crafting a standout, inspiring campaign. 

From Zero to Funded Crowdfunding Training

Price: 1600 NIS (Pilot Price)
Start Date: TBD
Limited to 10

This training suits organizations who have people (board, staff, or volunteers) to help craft your campaign materials, inspire others to give, and become the heroes of your campaign. 

We will help you maximize your crowdfunding potential and avoid a “We need you, donate now” campaign.

We will show you the dos and don’ts to craft an inspiring 24/36-hour matched crowdfunding campaign. This 8-week training and support will prepare you to launch your campaign by Fall 2020. It will be led by Tobey Finkelstein, LSF Campaign Specialist and renowned crowdfunding expert.

It’s about the energy and the people. We’ll show you how to create an exciting campaign strategy to connect with your community and optimize your use of crowdfunding tools and tactics. Group training will be in English and include:

  1. Mindshift: From ‘raise funds’ to ‘inspire giving’
  2. Crowdfunding process
  3. Playing to your strengths
  4. Planning your asks / goal-setting
  5. Who & where is your crowd
  6. How to build a team
  7. How to message + inspire
  8. How to engage your donors
  9. A private facebook group 

Zero to Funded is designed for organizations with a community of people who appreciate them but have yet to become donors. 

Weekly group Zoom for training and feedback. One private strategy consult for campaign message and engagement. 

Custom Crowdfunding Coaching

Price: Starts at 8000 NIS
20% deposit.
Timing: 4-8 weeks
Limited to 2 per month

This option suits:

  1. Organizations without admin staff, board, or volunteers
  2. Organizations who want targeted donor planning, major donor guidance, creative direction, campaign materials, and individual coaching throughout the entire campaign.

LSF will become a partner in your campaign. Crowdfunding campaigns run on energy. Energy is a product of passionate people encouraging each other. 

The LSF Team will

  1. Develop your strategy
  2. Guide in major donation solicitation
  3. Craft your “inspire message” and campaign copy
  4. Advise on your video
  5. Support the director to put the pieces of the campaign in order

We will work together with you and your platform’s crowdfunding account manager. LSF can help coordinate but not replace volunteers, admin support for office work, or your campaign callers.

Phone, Zoom, email, in-person support.

Crowdfunding is a tool that helps organizations turn their sideline supporters into

Covid-19 Grants & Resources For Israeli Amutot

To simplify finding COVID-19-related financial or in-kind help, Landman Strategic Fundraising is keeping an eye on foundation, governmental and corporate opportunities for Israeli non-profits over

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